When he [Jesus] had said these things, one of the officers standing by 
struck Jesus with his hand, saying, β€œIs that how you answer the high priest?”
(John 18:22 ESV)

This officer has reversed the order of things. In his defense of a high priest, he assaults and disdains the true High Priest, Jesus. But it must be so. For God is at work. And he will soon accomplish the ultimate reversal through his Son.

Into the court of man, Jesus is brought β€” bound, rejected, falsely accused, and unlawfully condemned so that in the court of God, we can be freed, accepted, truly absolved, and lawfully justified. The cross stands as the supreme affidavit of God across history, sealed by the blood of his own Son, declaring all those in Christ “not guilty” and free.

"This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." 
(Psalm 118:23 ESV)

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